40:14-22 - Powers and duties

40:14-22.  Powers and duties
    a.  Within the limits of the funds available to it, the commission shall have the power to employ the services of such agents, employees, workmen and servants as it may deem necessary or proper, including legal and engineering services;  to fix and determine the duties and compensation of persons employed  by it;  to obtain such insurance and surety bonds on its members and personnel  as it may deem advisable;  and, except as may be specifically prohibited in  this act, to do all other acts and things as may, in the judgment of the  commission, be necessary or proper to alleviate flood conditions and to prevent  floods in member municipalities and counties, and provided that such work is  done in a comprehensive manner and where flood control work is undertaken that  it shall be done in accordance with applicable law and in a manner approved by  the State Department of Environmental Protection.

    b.  The commission may expend funds appropriated to it by member municipalities and counties, and by the State, or received by it as provided in  this act, for the carrying out of the purposes of this act.

    c.  Without in any way limiting the powers otherwise set forth in this act,  the commission, in pursuance of its purposes set forth in section 1 of this  act, shall have the power to:

    (1) collect, study and analyze data on flooding, past floods and the causes  of floods in the area;

    (2) make such data and studies available to the participating members, to the Department of Environmental Protection, and the Division of Water Resources  therein, the Army Corps of Engineers, local and county planning boards and  officials concerned with subdivisions and development of properties within the  floodway and drainage areas;

    (3) keep itself informed as to the availability of State and Federal funds and grants, and the procedures for applying therefor, and shall make such information available to participating members;

    (4) coordinate the activities of the participating members relating to flooding, flood prevention, brook cleaning and the like, with neighboring municipalities and counties and the appropriate State departments and agencies;

    (5) encourage the acquisition of lands within the floodway and low-lying areas, by appropriate county park commissions, counties or participating municipalities;

    (6) publicize methods of flood control and flood prevention;

     (7) encourage its participating members, and others, to adopt appropriate ordinances and regulations relating to flood control;

     (8) encourage its participating members to support other programs designed or intended to alleviate flooding.

     L.1971, c. 316, s. 7, eff. Sept. 14, 1971.  Amended by L.1972, c. 60, s. 2, eff. June 9, 1972.