4:8-17.17a - Wholesale seedsmen or seed conditioner; registration
4:8-17.17a. Wholesale seedsmen or seed conditioner; registration
a. No person shall engage in the business of a wholesale seedsman or seed conditioner unless the person is registered with the State Board of Agriculture in accordance with this section.
b. A person engaged in the business of a wholesale seedsman or seed conditioner shall register with the State board on January 1st of each year or prior to commencing operation in the business. Registration as a wholesale seedsman or seed conditioner shall expire on December 31st. An application for registration shall be filed in a form and according to procedures determined by the Secretary of Agriculture. The application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable application fee of $125.00. The State board shall approve or disapprove the application, in writing, no later than the 10th day after its receipt.
c. The State board may disapprove an application for registration filed under subsection b. of this section and revoke at any time a registration issued previously if it determines that the applicant or registrant violated a provision of the New Jersey State Seed Law (Revision of 1963), P.L.1963, c. 29 (C. 4:8-17.13 et seq.). If the State board disapproves an application or revokes a registration, it shall provide the applicant or registrant, as the case may be, with a concise, written statement of reasons therefor. The statement of reasons shall be transmitted to the applicant or registrant simultaneously with the notice of disapproval or revocation.
d. An applicant or registrant may file a notice of appeal of a disapproval or revocation with the Secretary of Agriculture no later than the 10th day after receipt of the notification of the disapproval or revocation. The secretary shall afford the applicant or registrant a hearing not later than the 10th day after receipt of the notice of appeal. The secretary shall recommend to the State board that it reverse or affirm the disapproval or revocation no later than the fifth day after the hearing, accompanying the recommendation with a concise, written statement of the reasons therefor. A copy of the secretary's recommendation and reasons therefor, in writing, shall be transmitted simultaneously to the applicant or registrant. The State board shall notify the applicant or registrant of its decision to reject or uphold the appeal no later than the fifth day after its receipt of the secretary's recommendation.
L.1984, c. 201, s. 2, eff. Nov. 28, 1984, operative Jan. 1, 1985.