4:7-15 - Definitions

4:7-15.  Definitions
    As used in sections 4:7-16 to 4:7-35 of this title:

     "Department"  means the department of agriculture.

      "Nursery"  includes all lands, premises and buildings upon, on or in which  plants, trees, shrubs or vines of any kind, whether for fruit, shade or ornament, are grown for sale within the state or for shipment to other states or countries.

     "Nurseryman"  includes any person, firm, copartnership or corporation growing plants, trees, shrubs or vines for sale, or dealing in such stock, whether he or they be owners, lessees or tenants of or on the premises upon which the stock is grown or offered for sale.

     "Nursery stock"  includes all plants, shrubs, trees and vines grown for sale, as well as buds, grafts, stocks, cions and other parts of plants, shrubs,  trees and vines that may be sold for propagation;  but shall not include  herbaceous annuals or plants, flowers, vines or cuttings grown under glass and  commonly known as florists' stock.