4:6-10 - Type of hives required; seizure of other types as nuisances
4:6-10. Type of hives required; seizure of other types as nuisances
On and after July first, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to keep or to maintain honey bees in any hives other than modern, movable, frame hives which permit the thorough examination of every comb in order to detect the presence of bee diseases. All other types of boxes or receptacles for bees which are in use after July first, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine, are hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and a menace to the community, and the Department of Agriculture may seize and destroy the same without remuneration to the owner.
Amended by L.1939, c. 104, p. 385, s. 1.