4:22A-5 - Removal of dedication

4:22A-5.     Removal of dedication
    Once a pet cemetery is dedicated pursuant to the provisions of this act, the dedication shall not be removed unless the dedication is removed by an order of the Superior Court in a proceeding brought by the pet cemetery owner for this purpose and upon proof satisfactory to the court that:

   a.   No disposals were made in, or that all disposals have been removed from, that portion of the property from which the dedication is sought to be removed;

   b.   The pet cemetery owner has received from those persons, or their heirs or assigns, whose pets have been disposed of in the pet cemetery, and from those persons, or their heirs or assigns, who have purchased or otherwise reserved rights of disposal in the pet cemetery for their pets, written authorizations to remove the dedication from their respective sites, and to remove the pets already disposed of in the sites from which the dedication is to be removed.  The court may waive the written authorization requirement for any particular pet if the court is satisfied that the pet cemetery owner has made a good faith effort to locate the pet owner, or the heirs or assigns thereof, but has been unable to do so.  Any removals of pet remains pursuant to this subsection shall be performed at the expense of the pet cemetery owner, and any written authorizations pursuant to this subsection may be given for legal consideration; and

   c.   The pet cemetery owner has arranged, at the pet cemetery owner's own expense, for relocation sites for removed pet remains satisfactory to the pet owners, or the heirs or assigns thereof, or has refunded thereto all moneys taken for disposal purposes; and has refunded to those pet owners, or their heirs or assigns, who purchased rights of disposal for pets, all moneys received therefrom.  All refunds made under this subsection shall be with interest at the rate of interest for savings accounts at State- and federally-chartered banking institutions of this State.  If the court is satisfied that the pet cemetery owner has made a good faith effort to locate a pet owner, or the heirs or assigns thereof, but has been unable to do so, the court may determine an alternative manner of disposal of that particular pet, if the pet was disposed of, and may waive the refunding requirements of this subsection.

   L. 1985, c. 401, s. 5.