4:12-41.7 - Permission to use fresh samples as basis of payment;  taking and  testing fresh samples;  preservation

4:12-41.7.  Permission to use fresh samples as basis of payment;  taking and  testing fresh samples;  preservation
    Any person licensed under this act to purchase milk on a butter fat basis may make joint application with the producers from whom the milk is purchased for permission to use fresh samples as a basis of payment, which permission may  be granted at the discretion of the director.  When fresh samples are used, a  representative sample shall be taken from at least two daily deliveries each  half month of the several lots of milk delivered by each producer;  such fresh  samples shall be taken on scattered days during the testing period, the days to  be selected by the licensed sampler who draws the samples, each sample to be of  such size that the residue for check tests will be sufficient to make duplicate  Babcock tests.  Before a portion of such fresh sample shall be taken for  testing, the contents of the container from which it is drawn shall be so  treated that the butter fat therein is evenly dispersed.

    Fresh samples shall be tested within a period of twenty-four hours after being drawn, and shall be properly refrigerated at all times prior to testing. Within six days after the close of each testing period a written or printed statement of the average of the several tests for the period, and specifying the period covered, shall be furnished to the producers of the milk represented  by such fresh samples.  After such fresh samples have been tested their  residues shall be stabilized with a preservative approved by the director,  stored in bottles of approved design, plainly marked with the name or number of  the producer represented, and shall be properly refrigerated and available for  check testing for a period of not less than ten days after the original test.

     L.1943, c. 100, p. 327, s. 7.