4:11-9 - Refusal, revocation of license
4:11-9 Refusal, revocation of license.
4:11-9. The secretary may decline to grant or may revoke a license when he is satisfied that:
a.The applicant or licensee has violated the State laws or official regulations governing interstate or intrastate movement of cattle, sheep, horses or swine;
b.In the buying or receiving of cattle, sheep, horses or swine, or receiving, selling, exchanging, soliciting or negotiating the sale, resale, exchange or shipment of cattle, sheep, horses or swine, there have been false or misleading statements as to the health or physical condition of the animals with regard to official tests, or quantity of cattle, sheep, horses or swine or the practice of fraud or misrepresentation in connection therewith;
c.As shown by a continual course of dealing, the licensee is unable or unwilling to conduct properly the business of a dealer or broker;
d.The applicant or licensee has knowingly bought or received cattle, sheep, horses or swine, or received, sold, exchanged, solicited or negotiated the sale, resale or exchange of cattle, sheep, horses or swine that were diseased and likely to transmit such disease to other cattle, sheep, horses or swine, or human beings;
e.There has been a failure to practice ordinary measures of sanitation of barns, stables, premises or vehicles used for the stabling, holding or transporting of cattle, sheep, horses or swine;
f.There has been a continual or persistent failure to keep records required by the secretary or by law; or that there is a refusal on the part of the licensee to produce books, accounts or records of transactions in the carrying on of the business for which the license is granted; or
g.There has been a continual or persistent failure to comply with the provisions of R.S.4:22-1 et seq. relating to cruelty to animals.
Amended 1949, c.209, s.5; 1966, c.27, s.6; 1998, c.105, s.8.