3B:23-39 - Deposit with court;  effect

3B:23-39.  Deposit with court;  effect
    When a devise charged by will upon real estate is wholly or in part limited  over:

    a.  To infants, mental incompetents or persons not in esse;  or

     b.  To persons who cannot be ascertained until the happening of an event named in the will;  or

     c.  In a manner that the vesting of the devise may be contingent--

     The Superior Court may, in a summary or other action by the executor, or a person interested in the real estate, direct the devise paid into court together with any additional sums as the court may deem reasonable to cover the  expense of investing and taking charge of the devise.  Upon payment into court,  the real estate shall be wholly clear and discharged from the lien created by  the will.

     L.1981, c. 405, s. 3B:23-39, eff. May 1, 1982.