3B:18-25.2 - Powers of qualified bank; duties of agent

3B:18-25.2.  Powers of qualified bank; duties of agent
12.  a.  Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, a qualified bank acting in any capacity authorized pursuant to section 28 of P.L.1948, c.67 (C. 17:9A-28) on behalf of a trust or estate may employ and pay reasonable compensation to any person, including attorneys, auditors, investment advisers or other agents, even if they are affiliated or associated with the qualified bank, to advise or assist the qualified bank in the performance of any of its administrative duties, whether or not discretionary, and to act without independent investigation upon their recommendation, so long as the qualified bank exercises care, skill, and caution in: selecting the agent;  establishing the scope and terms of the agent's duties consistent with the purpose and terms of the governing trust instrument; and  periodically reviewing the agent's actions in order to monitor the agent's performance.  A qualified bank that delegates investment functions to an investment adviser shall also comply with the requirements of sections 8 and  10 of P.L.1997, c.26 (C.3B:20-11.8 and 3B:20-11.10).

b.In performing any agency function, the agent shall owe to the qualified bank and the beneficiaries the same duties as the qualified bank and shall be held to the same fiduciary standards as the qualified bank.

c.In the absence of express contrary provisions in the trust instrument, a qualified bank which employs an agent other than an investment adviser or investment manager, may pay the agent from the fiduciary fund if the qualified bank reasonably believes in the exercise of its discretion that such an arrangement is in the best interests of all interested persons and will improve the efficiency of the administration of the fiduciary fund.  In the absence of express contrary provisions in the trust instrument, a qualified bank which delegates investment and trust asset management functions to an investment adviser or an investment manager shall comply with the cost control and other requirements of sections 8 and 10 of P.L.1997, c.26 (C.3B:20-11.8 and 3B:20-11.10).

d.A qualified bank which substantially complies with the requirements of subsections  a. and c. of this section shall not be liable to the beneficiaries or to the trust or estate for the decisions or actions of the agent, and shall not, solely by reason of the delegation, be deemed to engage in acts of self-dealing or a conflict of interest.

e. By accepting an appointment as agent from a qualified bank acting as a fiduciary of a trust or estate that is subject to the law of New Jersey, the agent submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of New Jersey, even if the agency agreement provides otherwise.
