3B:14-10 - Cofiduciaries;  terms of instrument

3B:14-10.  Cofiduciaries;  terms of instrument
    If the fiduciary or person named to act as fiduciary is one of several cofiduciaries or one of several named to act as cofiduciaries, the court may appoint a substituted cofiduciary or may appoint the fiduciary's cofiduciary or  cofiduciaries or the person or persons named to act as cofiduciaries to act as  the substituted fiduciary.  If the will or other instrument under which the  fiduciary is appointed or person is named to act as fiduciary provides for a  substitute or alternate fiduciary in the event of his death or otherwise, the  court shall appoint as substituted fiduciary the substitute or alternate  fiduciary or person named to act as substitute or alternate fiduciary to act if  he is willing to act and can qualify.

     L.1981, c. 405, s. 3B:14-10, eff. May 1, 1982.