36:2-36 - "Prostate Cancer Awareness Month" designated 

36:2-36.     "Prostate Cancer Awareness Month" designated 
    1.   The month of June in each year is designated as "Prostate Cancer Awareness Month" in the State of New Jersey, and the citizens of New Jersey are urged to observe the month with appropriate activities and programs. 

36:2-37. "Delaware Bay Day" designated
1.  The second Saturday in June of each year shall be designated as "Delaware Bay Day" in New Jersey for the purposes of recognizing and celebrating the importance and beauty of the Delaware bay ecosystem.

36:2-38. Observation of "Delaware Bay Day"
2.  The people of the State and all appropriate State and local governmental entities are urged to observe "Delaware Bay Day" by participating in activities that recognize and celebrate the importance and beauty of the Delaware bay ecosystem.

36:2-40. Children's Memorial Day designated
1.  May 25 shall be permanently established as "Children's Memorial Day."
