36:2-23 - Findings, declarations 

36:2-23.     Findings, declarations 
     1.   The Legislature finds and declares that:


    a.   Alzheimer's Disease is a terminal, organic brain disease of unknown origin that causes steady brain deterioration and leads to a complete breakdown of a person's ability to communicate, move about, or control bodily functions and eventually results in death; 

    b.   Alzheimer's Disease is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States and affects two to four million Americans between the ages of 40 and 80, including about 400,000 residents of New Jersey; 

    c.   While presently incurable, Alzheimer's Disease is often confused with other diseases of intellectual impairment, thus necessitating that the specific diagnosis of a person's medical conditions be conducted with great care, since the other causes of impairment can be treated; 

    d.   Alzheimer's Disease has been called a disease which not only "robs the mind of the victim" but "breaks the heart of the family" because it inflicts tremendous burdens on loved ones who must endure emotional, social, physical and financial stress while providing care and comfort to the victim of this ever-worsening disease; and 

    e.   While research continues in a search for cures and controls for this devastating disease, it is important that citizens of this State develop an awareness of the nature of Alzheimer's Disease, understand the toll it takes on the victim and his or her family, encourage the development of support and assistance groups for these families, and promote efforts for advocacy for the needs of those afflicted with Alzheimer's Disease and their caregivers. 
