33:1-43.2 - Services, items, equipment, availability to retailers, conditions
33:1-43.2 Services, items, equipment, availability to retailers, conditions.
10. a. Manufacturers, importing entities or wholesalers, as these terms are defined in R.S.33:1-1, or third parties at the direction of manufacturers, importing entities or wholesalers, may sell, lease or provide services, items or equipment to retailers that are intended to enhance or protect the quality, display, availability or marketing of their products to consumers, including:
(1)Cleaning and needed repairs of dispensing systems for alcoholic beverage products, including draught systems for malt alcoholic beverages, powered decanter systems for wine and pouring systems, and decanter racks or blending machines for distilled spirits.
(2)Certain equipment, such as tap handles, filters, faucets, tavern heads, regulators, and similar ancillary equipment, that protects the quality or taste of the alcoholic beverage products produced or supplied by the appropriate licensee, subject to the provisions of R.S.33:1-43.1. Substantial equipment such as complete draught or refrigeration systems, or coolant shall only be sold at no less than fair market value; however nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prevent a licensee from renting or providing such substantial equipment to a retailer on a short-term temporary basis for special events.
(3)Delivery of alcoholic beverages into a retail account at the number of locations as mutually agreed upon by the wholesaler and the retailer.
(4)Occasional, unscheduled placing, and stocking of alcoholic beverages sold by the wholesaler within a retail accounts' premises, to ensure the alcoholic beverages will be available for consumers to purchase, as mutually agreed upon by the wholesaler and retailer, and regular rotation of alcoholic beverages sold by the wholesaler as necessary to ensure the freshness of those products with a limited shelf life.
(5)Shelf management, marketing and pricing recommendations, and implementation of shelf management decisions and resets of a manufacturer's supplier's, wholesaler's, or third party's own products as mutually agreed upon by the wholesaler and the retailer.
(6)Building product displays, including price signs denoting prices established by the retailer, sweepstakes prizes for customers as part of a display and advertising items such as point of sale advertising and consumer novelties, as mutually agreed upon by the wholesaler and retailer.
b.A licensee may provide reasonable entertainment to another licensee, such as engaging in sporting activities, taking a licensee to an entertainment or sports event, or providing meals and beverages to the licensee. The licensee shall not condition the provision of such services, equipment, consumer sweepstakes prizes or entertainment on an agreement to sell the alcoholic beverage products of a manufacturer, supplier or wholesaler. A retailer shall not request the provision of such services, equipment, consumer sweepstakes prizes or entertainment as a condition for selling the alcoholic beverage products of a manufacturer, supplier or wholesaler.