32:23-78 - Commission established for New Jersey
32:23-78. Commission established for New Jersey
A. Unless and until the provisions of the compact contained in section one of this act shall have been concurred in by the State of New York, the consent of Congress given thereto, and the commission, provided for therein, established:
1. The provisions of such compact and sections two, three, four and five of this act shall apply to and be in full force and effect within the State of New Jersey, except as limited by this section, and any violation of such compact or section shall be a violation of the laws of the State of New Jersey; provided, however, that (with respect to the definitions contained in such compact):
(a) "The Port of New York district" shall mean only that portion of the district within the State of New Jersey;
(b) The "commission," hereinafter referred to in this section as the "New Jersey commission," shall mean and consist of the member appointed by the Governor of this State by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and he shall possess and exercise all the powers and duties of the commission set forth in section one of this act and any other powers and duties conferred herein;
(c) The powers and duties of any other officer or agency of this State prescribed by section one or otherwise by this act shall be effective as if the provisions of the compact were effective as a statute of this State; and
(d) The New Jersey commission shall not be deemed to be a body corporate and politic and shall be in the Department of Labor and Industry of this State.
2. The New Jersey commission is authorized to co-operate with a similar commission of the State of New York, to exchange information on any matter pertinent to the purposes of this act, and to enter into reciprocal agreements for the accomplishment of such purposes, including but not limited to the following objectives:
(a) To provide for the reciprocal recognition of any license issued or registration made by either commission;
(b) To give reciprocal effect to any revocation, suspension or reprimand with respect to any licensee, and any reprimand or removal from a longshoremen's register;
(c) To provide that any act or omission by a licensee or registrant in either State which would be a basis for disciplinary action against such licensee or registrant if it occurred in the State in which the license was issued or the person registered shall be the basis for disciplinary action in both States;
(d) To provide that longshoremen registered in either State, who perform work or who apply for work at an employment information center within the other State shall be deemed to have performed work or to have applied for work in the State in which they are registered.
3. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the officers, employees and agents of the commission established by this section may be appointed or employed without regard to their State of residence. Such commission may appoint or employ the same person to a similar office or employment in this State as he holds in a similar commission or agency of the State of New York.
B. Notwithstanding any other provision of this act, for the purpose of providing for the commission's expenses of administration during the remainder of the calendar year following the effective date of this act, and until June 30, 1954, the assessment for such expense shall be at the rate of one and one-half per centum (1 1/2 %). Such assessment shall be made, collected and enforced in accordance with Article XIII of the compact and section 2 of this act.
L.1953, c. 202, p. 1548, Part III, s. 6.