32:23-182 - License and permit fees
32:23-182. License and permit fees
With respect to airfreightmen and airfreightman supervisors who are employed by an air freight truck carrier regularly to move freight to or from an airport, the employers shall pay to the commission for each such airfreightman and airfreightman supervisor a license fee to be determined by the commission, not in excess of $100.00 for each year, commencing with April 1. The employer of every person who is issued a permit of fixed duration by the commission for ingress to an air freight security area, or the permittee himself if he is self-employed, shall pay to the commission a fee to be determined by the commission, not in excess of $75.00 for each year, commencing with April 1. The commission shall reduce the maximum fees payable under this section proportionately with any reduction in the maximum assessment rate of 2% provided for by this article.
L.1970, c. 58, s. 4.