32:2-27 - Acts listed
32:2-27. Acts listed
The following acts are hereby saved from repeal:
1. L.1918, c. 49, p. 139 (Suppl.1924, s.s. *216-12 to *216-19), entitled "An act to provide for an Interstate Bridge and Tunnel Commission and to define its powers and duties," approved February fourteenth, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, together with amendments and supplements approved or passed on the following dates:
April 14, 1919 (L.1919, c. 156, p. 343; 1924 Suppl. s. *216-18).
March 11, 1922 (L.1922, c. 86, p. 157; 1924 Suppl. s.s. *216-20 to *216-25).
March 18, 1922 (L.1922, c. 272, p. 669; 1924 Suppl. s.s. *216-12, *216-13, *216-17).
January 29, 1924 (L.1924, c. 2, p. 12; 1924 Suppl. s. *216-14).
March 19, 1927 (L.1927, c. 89, p. 162).
April 3, 1928 (L.1928, c. 200, p. 370).
[Created the New Jersey Interstate Bridge and Tunnel Commission with authority to act with similar agencies from New York and Pennsylvania in the construction of the Holland tunnel and the Camden-Philadelphia bridge, provided for the disposition of the rent and income of lands and buildings acquired by said commission, and authorized the commission to dispose of lands not necessary for the construction and operation of the Holland tunnel.]
2. L.1918, c. 50, p. 142 (1924 Suppl. s.s. *216-26 to *216-36), entitled "An act to extend the system of highways in this state by providing for the construction, maintenance and operation of bridges and tunnels for vehicular or other traffic across the Delaware river and Hudson river, or either of them, in co-operation with the city or state, or both, with which such bridges or tunnels, or either of them, shall connect," approved February fourteenth, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, together with supplements and amendments and supplements to supplements, approved on the following dates:
April 8, 1919 (L.1919, c. 69, p. 123, [1924 Suppl. s.s. *216-37 to *216-44], as amended by L.1926, c. 50, p. 89).
April 8, 1919 (L.1919, c. 70, p. 128, [1924 Suppl. s.s. *216-45 to *216-50], as amended by L.1924, c. 231, p. 515, [1924 Suppl. s. *216-45], and supplemented by L.1922, c. 273, p. 671, [1924 Suppl. s.s. *216-51 to *216-56] ).
March 18, 1926 (L.1926, c. 48, p. 83, as amended by L.1930, c. 171, p. 601).
March 18, 1926 (L.1926, c. 49, p. 87).
[Authorized the New Jersey Interstate Bridge and Tunnel Commission to act in conjunction with commissions from New York and Pennsylvania in the joint construction, operation and maintenance of the Holland Tunnel and the Camden-Philadelphia bridge, to dispose of any real property acquired for such purposes, to vacate, widen and change the grade of streets, and to enter into agreements for the charging of tolls and the establishment of a transportation system on the Camden-Philadelphia bridge.]
3. L.1920, c. 76, p. 140 (1924 Suppl. s.s. *216-61 to *216-122), entitled "An act to ratify an agreement between the state of New York and the state of New Jersey for the construction of a vehicular tunnel under the Hudson river," approved April fifth, one thousand nine hundred and twenty, as amended by L.1927, c. 90, p. 164, approved March nineteenth, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven. [This act sets forth and ratifies the compact of December 30, 1919, entered into between the state of New Jersey, acting by and through the New Jersey Interstate Bridge and Tunnel Commission, and the state of New York, acting by and through the New York State Bridge and Tunnel Commission, for the joint construction, operation, repair and maintenance of the Holland tunnel. It sets forth in detail provisions regulating the method of constructing the tunnel, the acquisition of real estate, the entering into contracts and the jurisdiction and powers of the two commissions. The compact of December 30, 1919, was amended on December 17, 1929. The amendments of December 17, 1929, are not contained in the session laws of that year but are in the office of the secretary of state of the state of New Jersey. Said compact, as amended, was partially abrogated by L.1931, c. 4, p. 18; see sections 32:1-118 to 32:1-140 of this title, particularly section 32:1-126.]
4. L.1927, c. 277, p. 511, entitled "An act authorizing and directing the Port of New York Authority to take up and study the interstate suburban passenger problem within the Port of New York District and to recommend to the states of New York and New Jersey such amendments or supplements to the comprehensive plan for the development of the port of New York as will facilitate travel between various parts of the port district, together with a legal plan for financing the same; and making an appropriation therefor," approved March twenty-ninth, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven. [Authorizes the port authority to prepare plans supplementary to or amendatory of the comprehensive plan and to make a report thereof to the legislatures of New Jersey and New York.]
5. L.1929, c. 269, p. 642, entitled "An act authorizing and providing for the appointment of a New Jersey Holland Tunnel Commission and defining its powers and duties," approved May sixth, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine. [Created the Holland tunnel commission and conferred upon it all the powers and duties then vested in the New Jersey Interstate Bridge and Tunnel Commission with respect to the Holland tunnel, and terminated the old commission.]
6. L.1929, c. 271, p. 651, entitled "An act authorizing and providing for the appointment of an interstate bridge commission and defining its powers and duties," approved May sixth, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine, together with supplements thereto approved on the following dates:
March 28, 1930 (L.1930, c. 45, p. 235).
March 3, 1931 (L.1931, c. 8, p. 37).
[Created the New Jersey Interstate Bridge Commission and conferred upon it all the powers and duties then vested in the New Jersey Interstate Bridge and Tunnel Commission with respect to the Camden-Philadelphia bridge, authorized the new commission to install rails upon the bridge, and to investigate the advisability of constructing a tunnel beneath the Delaware river between Camden and Philadelphia.]
7. L.1930, c. 246, p. 1074, entitled "An act abolishing the New Jersey Holland Tunnel Commission," approved April twenty-first, one thousand nine hundred and thirty. [Abolished the Holland Tunnel Commission created by L.1929, c. 269, p. 642.]
8. L.1930, c. 247, p. 1074, entitled "An act making the Port of New York Authority the agent of the states of New York and New Jersey in connection with the operation and maintenance of the Holland tunnel, and defining its powers and duties as such agent," approved April twenty-first, one thousand nine hundred and thirty. [Conferred upon the port authority all the powers and duties theretofore vested in the Holland tunnel commission. See section 32:1-126 of this title.]
9. L.1930, c. 248, p. 1077, entitled "An act directing the Port of New York Authority to study and report upon a vehicular tunnel under the Hudson river," approved April twenty-first, one thousand nine hundred and thirty. [Directed the port authority to report upon the desirability of constructing the Midtown Hudson tunnel.]