Section 32:13A
- 32:13A-1 - Short title
- 32:13A-2 - Issuance of tunnel revenue bonds
- 32:13A-2.1 - Contract with Delaware County Pennsylvania Authority
- 32:13A-3 - Definitions
- 32:13A-4 - Resolution of convenience and necessity; tunnel commission
- 32:13A-5 - Construction of tunnel
- 32:13A-6 - Condemnation of property
- 32:13A-7 - Tunnel revenue bonds
- 32:13A-8 - Exemption from taxation
- 32:13A-9 - Eligibility of bonds for investments
- 32:13A-10 - Credit of state or of county not pledged
- 32:13A-11 - Lien upon bond proceeds
- 32:13A-12 - Trust indenture
- 32:13A-13 - Tunnel revenues
- 32:13A-14 - Contract for construction, operation and maintenance; financing; joint exercise of powers; tolls; default; ultimate ownership by New Jersey and Pennsylvania; exemption from taxation
- 32:13A-15 - Remedies of bondholders and trustee; receiver
- 32:13A-16 - Contributions
- 32:13A-17 - Competing bridges, tunnels and ferries
- 32:13A-18 - Tunnel revenue refunding bonds
- 32:13A-19 - Chapter liberally construed
- 32:13A-20 - Chapter provides additional method