32:11D-31 - Co-operative legislation and administration
32:11D-31. Co-operative legislation and administration Each of the signatory parties covenants and agrees to prohibit and control pollution of the waters of the basin according to the requirements of this compact and to co-operate faithfully in the control of future pollution in and abatement of existing pollution from the rivers, streams, and waters in the basin which flow through, under, into or border upon any of such signatory States, and in order to effect such object, agrees to enact any necessary legislation to enable each such party to place and maintain the waters of said basin in a satisfactory condition, available for safe and satisfactory use as public and industrial water supplies after reasonable treatment, suitable for recreational usage, capable of maintaining fish and other aquatic life, free from unsightly or malodorous nuisances due to floating solids or sludge deposits and adaptable to such other uses as may be provided by the comprehensive plan.
L.1961, c. 13, p. 58, s. 5.3.