32:1-14 - Proceedings before interstate commerce commission, public utilities commission and like bodies

32:1-14.  Proceedings before interstate commerce commission, public utilities commission and like bodies

     The port authority may petition any interstate commerce commission (or like  body), public service commission, public utilities commission (or like body),  or any other federal, municipal, state or local authority, administrative,  judicial or legislative, having jurisdiction in the premises, after the  adoption of the comprehensive plan as provided for in Article X for the  adoption and execution of any physical improvement, change in method, rate of  transportation, system of handling freight, warehousing, docking, lightering or  transfer of freight, which, in the opinion of the port authority, may be  designed to improve or better the handling of commerce in and through said  district, or improve terminal and transportation facilities therein.  It may  intervene in any proceeding affecting the commerce of the port.