32:1-1 - Preamble
32:1-1. Preamble
Whereas, In the year 1834 the states of New York and New Jersey did enter into an agreement fixing and determining the rights and obligations of the two states in and about the waters between the two states, especially in and about the bay of New York and the Hudson river; and
Whereas, Since that time the commerce of the port of New York has greatly developed and increased and the territory in and around the port has become commercially one center or district; and
Whereas, It is confidently believed that a better co-ordination of the terminal, transportation and other facilities of commerce in, about and through the port of New York, will result in great economies, benefiting the nation, as well as the states of New York and New Jersey; and
Whereas, The future development of such terminal, transportation and other facilities of commerce will require the expenditure of large sums of money, and the cordial co-operation of the states of New York and New Jersey in the encouragement of the investment of capital, and in the formulation and execution of the necessary physical plans; and
Whereas, Such result can best be accomplished through the cooperation of the two states by and through a joint or common agency;
Now, Therefore, The said states of New Jersey and New York do supplement and amend the existing agreement of 1834 in the following respects: