30:7B-9 - Applicability to persons institutionalized while under sentence or  subject to trial;  detention of patients in prisons or jails

30:7B-9.  Applicability to persons institutionalized while under sentence or  subject to trial;  detention of patients in prisons or jails

     (a) No provision of this compact except Article V shall apply to any person  institutionalized while under sentence in a penal or correctional institution  or while subject to trial on a criminal charge, or whose institutionalization  is due to the commission of an offense for which, in the absence of mental  illness or mental deficiency, said person would be subject to incarceration in  a penal or correctional institution.

    (b) To every extent possible, it shall be the policy of States party to this  compact that no patient shall be placed or detained in any prison, jail or  lockup, but such patient shall, with all expedition, be taken to a suitable  institutional facility for mental illness or mental deficiency.

     L.1956, c. 178, p. 683, art. IX.