30:4J-7 - Eligibility for Family Care Health Coverage Program, women, certain
30:4J-7 Eligibility for Family Care Health Coverage Program, women, certain.
30. Within the limits of funds appropriated pursuant to section 27 of P.L.2004, c.17 (C.17:30D-29) and such other funds as may be available for this purpose, the FamilyCare Health Coverage Program established pursuant to P.L.2000, c.71 (C.30:4J-1 et seq.) shall enroll into the program women whose eligibility under the Medicaid New Jersey Care pregnant women program or the "New Jersey Standardized Parent Service Package," Demonstration Population 3, Medicaid expansion for uninsured pregnant woman, has expired and whose family income does not exceed 100% of the federal poverty level.
The Commissioner of Human Services shall establish a presumptive eligibility process to provide for an efficient transition into the FamilyCare Health Coverage Program from the Medicaid program pursuant to this section.