30:4D-6f - Eligibility of aliens for medical assistance
30:4D-6f Eligibility of aliens for medical assistance.
2.An eligible alien as defined in section 3 of P.L.1968, c.413 (C.30:4D-1 et seq.) who otherwise meets all eligibility criteria therefor is entitled to medical assistance provided pursuant to section 6 of P.L.1968, c.413 (C.30:4D-6). An alien who does not qualify as an eligible alien but who is a resident of New Jersey and would otherwise be eligible for medical assistance provided pursuant to section 6 of P.L.1968, c.413 is entitled only to care and services necessary for the treatment of an emergency medical condition as defined in section 1903(v)(3) of the federal Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. s.1396b(v)(3)).