30:4C-72 - Principles of system of care
30:4C-72. Principles of system of care
7. The individualized, appropriate child and family driven system of care may embody the following principles:
a. Services are to be child and family driven, with priority given to keeping children in their own homes. A child and his family or his primary caregiver, if no family is living, shall be fully involved in all aspects of the planning and delivery of services;
b. Services are to be community-based and are to be provided in the least restrictive setting consistent with the unique needs and potential of each child and family;
c. Services are to promote early identification and intervention;
d. Services are to be culturally and ethnically competent;
e. Services should be based upon the child's potential and reflect a continuum of care that includes out-of-home placement when appropriate;
f. The rights of children and their families are to be protected; and
g. A case coordinator should be assigned to each child and family to insure that service plans are implemented.