30:3-7 - Powers of state board as to building operations; architectural treatment; plans and specifications
30:3-7. Powers of state board as to building operations; architectural treatment; plans and specifications
The state board, except as hereinafter provided, shall exercise all the powers and perform all of the duties heretofore vested in or imposed upon the state architect or the state department of architecture, by whatever name known, and shall, through the commissioner and other appropriate board, division, commission or bureau of the department, conduct all state institutional building operations and all constructive work allied thereto, except for the state board of education. It shall at all times render assistance to all other state departments, except the state board of education, in determining the designs, location and arrangements of all public works and of all of their approaches and appurtenances calling for architectural treatment and the services of engineers, and shall approve the design of all such features thereof as are susceptible of architectural treatment.
No payment shall be made on any contract for work done for the state except for the state board of education or any division thereof requiring architectural treatment except upon the certificate of the commissioner addressed to the comptroller, setting forth that the drawings and specifications have been complied with, which certificate shall be indorsed by the state board and by the board or body to which the appropriation was made.
All specifications and contract drawings made for the commissioner, as hereinafter provided, shall be signed by the technical assistant responsible to the commissioner for their preparation and shall be approved by him, by the state board and by the commission, board or body to which the appropriation was made. When so signed and approved no other body shall have power to modify or change such specifications or drawings except that the commissioner may at any time during the progress of the work, with the approval of the state board and of the commission, board or other body, make necessary additions thereto or deviations from the amount thereof, provided that the sum appropriated for such work is not thereby exceeded, unless the state house commission shall have made an emergency appropriation to supplement the appropriation made therefor.