2C:18-5 - Knowingly or recklessly operating motor vehicle or riding horseback on lands of another without written permission, or damaging or injuring tangible property - New Jersey Statutes - USA Laws Searching

2C:18-5 - Knowingly or recklessly operating motor vehicle or riding horseback on lands of another without written permission, or damaging or injuring tangible property

2C:18-5.  Knowingly or recklessly operating motor vehicle or riding horseback on lands of another without written permission, or damaging or injuring tangible property
    It is an offense under this act to:

    a.  Knowingly or recklessly operate a motorized vehicle or to ride horseback  upon the lands of another without obtaining and in possession of the written  permission of the owner, occupant, or lessee thereof.

    b.  Knowingly or recklessly damage or injure any tangible property, including, but not limited to, any fence, building, feedstocks, crops, live trees, or any domestic animals, located on the lands of another.

     L.1983, c. 522, s. 2, eff. Jan. 17, 1984.