2A:82-19 - Exemplifications and records of certain foreign deeds or writings  as evidence

2A:82-19.  Exemplifications and records of certain foreign deeds or writings  as evidence    The exemplification of any deeds or writings relating to estates, real or personal, within the state of New Jersey, proved and certified under the city seal of London or Edinburgh, in the kingdom of Great Britain, or under the seal  of the city of Dublin, in the kingdom of Ireland, or under the great seal of  any British colony in America, prior to July 4th, 1776, and any of the public  books of records or registers of the province of New Jersey, or of either of  the divisions thereof, prior to that date, shall be received in evidence in any  court of record within this state as fully as if the originals were then and  there produced and proved.
L.1951 (1st SS), c.344.