2A:82-17 - Certificates of acknowledgment or proof of instruments as evidence of execution thereof

2A:82-17.  Certificates of acknowledgment or proof of instruments as evidence of execution thereof
    If any instrument heretofore made and executed or hereafter to be made and executed shall have been acknowledged, by any party who shall have executed it,  or the execution thereof by such party shall have been proved by one or more of  the subscribing witnesses to such instrument, in the manner and before one of  the officers provided and required by law for the acknowledgment or proof of  instruments in order to entitle them to be recorded, and, when a certificate of  such acknowledgment or proof shall be written upon or under, or be annexed to  such instrument and signed by such officer in the manner prescribed by law,  such certificate of acknowledgment or proof shall be and constitute prima facie  evidence of the due execution of such instrument by such party.  Such  instrument shall be received in evidence in any court or proceeding in this  state in the same manner and to the same effect as though the execution of such  instrument by such party had been proved by other evidence.
L.1951 (1st SS), c.344.