2A:67A-3 - Subpoenas

2A:67A-3.  Subpoenas
    Any such officer, board, commission, committee or body authorized by law to  exercise the power of subpoena may by its subpoena compel the attendance and  testimony of witnesses and the production of books, papers, documents or tangible things related to any matter or subject within his or its powers of inquiry.  If a person under such subpoena shall refuse or fail to appear or refuse to be examined, or to answer any proper question, or to produce any books, papers, documents or tangible things, in accordance with the subpoena, the authority issuing the subpoena may apply to the Superior Court for an order  to compel him to do so.  If the person under subpoena shall engage in contemptuous conduct at any such hearing, investigation or inquiry, the said authority may apply to the court to compel him to refrain therefrom.

     L.1953, c. 38, p. 751, s. 3.