2A:55-4 - Payment may be pleaded even though not made according to condition

2A:55-4.  Payment may be pleaded even though not made according to condition
    If, before action is brought on a bond, which has a condition or defeasance  to make void the same on payment of a less sum, at a day or place certain, the  obligor, his heirs, executors or administrators have paid to the obligee, his  executors, administrators or assigns, the principal and interest due by the  condition or defeasance of such bond, though such payment was not made strictly  according to the condition or defeasance, it may be pleaded in bar, and shall  be as effectual a bar to such action as if the money had been paid at the day  and place, according to the condition or defeasance, and had been so pleaded.
L.1951 (1st SS), c.344.