2A:53A-14 - Legislative findings

2A:53A-14.  Legislative findings
    The Legislature finds that malicious acts of vandalism by youths are increasing at an alarming rate;  that such acts are frequently attributable to lack of care, custody and control exercised by the parent;  that parents should  have some responsibility for the conduct of their children;  that while there  is a reluctance to charge a child with juvenile delinquency there should be  some legal deterrent to juvenile acts of vandalism and to parental neglect of  child supervision.  The Legislature therefore finds it desirable to establish a  civil procedure for the recovery of damages for such acts from the neglectful  parent, guardian or other person having legal custody of the child who caused  such damage.

     L.1965, c. 111, s. 1, eff. June 15, 1965.