2A:44-15 - Notice of sale

2A:44-15.  Notice of sale
    Public notice of the sale, under section 2A:44-14 of this title, shall be given by advertisement in 1 or more newspapers of the county, at least 6 days before the sale, and by notice set up at least 5 days before the sale in at least 5 of the most public places in the neighborhood where the property was directed to be left and where the sale is to take place, naming the articles to  be sold, the names of the consignor and consignee, if known, the hour of sale,  which shall be after 10 in the morning and before 4 in the afternoon, and the  place of sale, which shall be made in some public place in said county.  If the  residence of the consignee is known, written notice shall be given to him  personally or by leaving the same at his residence or by mailing it to him at  his post-office address.
L.1951 (1st SS), c.344.