2A:3-14 - Appointment to judgeships;   "political parties"  defined

2A:3-14.  Appointment to judgeships;   "political parties"  defined
    In every county in which there are or may be 2 or more judges of the county  court, all appointments to such judgeships shall be made in such manner that  the appointees shall be, as nearly as possible, in equal numbers, members of  different political parties, so as to constitute the county court in any such  county bipartisan in character.

    The words  "political parties"  mean such political parties as shall have cast the largest and the next to the largest number of votes, respectively, for  members of the general assembly at the last preceding general election held for  the election of all the members of the general assembly, prior to the making of  any such appointments.
L.1951 (1st SS), c.344.