2A:17-56.49 - Applicability of act
2A:17-56.49 Applicability of act.
11.The license revocation provisions of P.L.1996, c.7 (C.2A:17-56.41 et seq.)apply to all orders issued before or after the effective date of P.L.1996, c.7(C.2A:17-56.41 et seq.). All child support arrearage and health care coverage provisions in existence on or before the effective date of P.L.1996, c.7 (C.2A:17-56.41 et seq.) shall be included in determining whether a case is eligible for enforcement in accordance with P.L.1996, c.7 (C.2A:17-56.41 et seq.). P.L.1996, c.7 (C.2A:17-56.41 et seq.)applies to all child support obligations ordered by any state, territory or district of the United States that are being enforced by the Probation Division, that are payable directly to the obligee, or have been registered in this State in accordance with the "Uniform Interstate Family Support Act," P.L.1998, c.2 (C.2A:4-30.65 et seq.).
L.1996,c.7,s.11; amended 1998, c.1, s.31.
2A:17-56.50. Annual report
12.The Administrative Office of the Courts shall submit an annual report to the Governor and the Legislature regarding the number and type of licenses suspended or revoked in accordance with P.L.1996, c.7 (C.2A:17-56.40 et al.) and the total amount of child support collected due to P.L.1996, c.7 (C. 2A:17-56.40 et al.).
2A:17-56.51. Rules, procedures, regulations
13.The Supreme Court may adopt rules and procedures for the implementation and administration of P.L.1996, c.7 (C.2A:17-56.40 et al.). The State IV-D agency and licensing authorities may adopt regulations to implement P.L.1996, c.7 (C.2A:17-56.40 et al.) pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.).