2A:15-56 - Disobedience of restraining order or injunction;  contempt; jury  trial;  fees;  trial without jury

2A:15-56.  Disobedience of restraining order or injunction;  contempt; jury  trial;  fees;  trial without jury
    Whenever any person or persons shall be cited for disobeying, or shall be directed or ordered to show cause why they should not be adjudged in contempt of court for disobeying the restraining order, interlocutory injunction, or injunction above-mentioned, then the person or persons so cited or directed or ordered to show cause shall, on application to the court, have the facts concerning such dispute determined by a jury presided over by a judicial officer other than the one who issued such temporary restraining order, interlocutory injunction, or permanent injunction and shall order such jury trial.

    The procedure before the court presiding at the hearing on the citation in impaneling and selecting the jury and in admitting evidence shall be the same as that provided for civil cases tried in the superior court.  The jurymen so summoned shall be entitled to the same fees for services as are now allowed in other civil trials.  In the event that the person cited or directed or ordered to show cause as aforesaid shall not demand a jury trial, then and in that case, such dispute shall be determined and presided over by a judicial officer other than the one who issued such temporary restraining order, interlocutory injunction or permanent injunction.
L.1951 (1st SS), c.344.