27:7-21.12 - Motor service signs, tourist-oriented directional sign; lease, rental of right-of-way
27:7-21.12 Motor service signs, tourist-oriented directional sign; lease, rental of right-of-way
1. a. The Commissioner of Transportation may lease, license or contract the use, management or operation of any State right-of-way or any real property of the department for the purpose of placing motorist service signs and tourist-oriented directional signs in such manner as to produce revenue for the support of the State.
b. In entering into a lease, license or contract pursuant to this section, the commissioner shall either set a fee for the lease, license or contract which shall yield at least a fair rental value for the use of the right-of-way or real property, or award the lease, license or contract on the basis of competitive public bids or proposals to the responsible bidder or proposer whose bid or proposal is determined to be in the best interest of the State, price and other factors considered.
c. Any sign placed on departmental property pursuant to a lease, license or contract entered into pursuant to this section shall conform to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices issued by the Federal Highway Administration, United States Department of Transportation.