27:19-3 - Ballot; form and content

27:19-3.     Ballot; form and content     If the board adopts a resolution that a vote is required upon the question,  a certified copy of the resolution shall at once be filed with the county  clerk, who shall in the manner and form provided by law, place the question  upon all the ballots used at the next general election in the county in  substantially the following form:

    "To vote upon the public question printed below, if in favor thereof mark a  cross (X) or plus (+) in the square at the left of the word YES, and if opposed thereto mark a cross (X) or plus (+) in the square at the left of the word NO.

]      YES       "Shall the board of chosen freeholders construct

[ ]      NO      and maintain a viaduct (or bridge, as the case may be),

                  at (set forth location and particulars)."


   If a majority of the legal voters of the county voting at the election vote  in favor of the proposition the board shall forthwith proceed to build and  construct the viaduct or bridge, or cause it to be constructed and thereafter  maintain and operate it.