26:4-95.3 - Findings, declarations relative to HPV
26:4-95.3 Findings, declarations relative to HPV.
1.The Legislature finds and declares that:
a.The human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States, and can be transmitted without intercourse;
b.Although most HPV infections are benign and many strains clear on their own, certain strains have serious consequences, including cervical cancer and genital warts;
c.HPV has been detected in over 90% of cervical cancer cases, and the American Cancer Society estimates that over 9,700 new cases of HPV-related cervical cancer will occur in the United States this year; and
d.It is appropriate to take measures through education to significantly reduce medical problems and deaths attributable to HPV.
L.2007, c.134, s.1.