26:4-86 - Examination of animals by local board 

26:4-86.     Examination of animals by local board 
     26:4-86.  The local board or the duly authorized agent of such board, within its jurisdiction, shall be permitted by the owner or person in charge of a dog, cat or other animal which has attacked or bitten a person, to examine the animal at any time, and daily if desired, within a period of ten days after the animal has attacked or bitten a person, to determine whether the animal shows symptoms of rabies. 

    If the animal dies within the ten day confinement period or if the owner or person in charge of the animal elects to destroy the animal at any time during the confinement period, the local board may order a laboratory examination for rabies to be performed. 

    No person shall refuse, obstruct, or interfere with the local board in making any examination authorized pursuant to this section.


    Amended 1989,c.297,s.1.