26:4-118 - Fees

26:4-118.  Fees
    The following fees shall be paid to the local board or port health officer:

    a.  For examination of every vessel from a foreign port, five dollars.

     b.  For examination of every vessel from any port in the United States south  of Cape Henlopen, if a steamer, three dollars, and if other than a steamer, one  dollar.

    c.  For medical examination of every one hundred, or fraction of one hundred, steerage passengers upon transatlantic vessels, two dollars.

    d.  For each permit granted for the landing of persons, or discharging of baggage, merchandise or materials, and for every release of a vessel from quarantine, twenty-five cents.

    e.  For sanitary inspection of every vessel after the discharge of cargo or  ballast, ten dollars.

    f.  For disinfection of every vessel from an infected port, and of every vessel that shall require disinfection by reason of exposure to infection or contagion, fifty dollars.

    g.  For vaccination of persons on board of any vessel on which smallpox has  developed during the voyage, twenty-five cents each.