26:3A2-7 - County health advisory commission

26:3A2-7.  County health advisory commission
    The county board of health may establish a county health advisory commission  and may appoint not less than nine nor more than 15 citizens to serve as  members of that commission, each of whom shall be chosen with due regard to his  knowledge or interest in health affairs.  The commission shall include not less  than three consumers of health services who are engaged in the delivery of  those services.

    b.  Each member of the advisory commission shall be appointed for a term of  3 years;  provided, however, that of those first appointed at least 1/3 (or  the closest number thereto) shall have terms of 1 year, at least 1/3 shall  have terms of 2 years and the remaining members shall have terms of 3 years.   All appointments shall designate the date of expiration of the term.

    c.  The commission shall meet at least four times a year.

     L.1975, c. 329, s. 7, eff. April 1, 1976.