26:3A2-6 - County health department;  establishment;  report by county board  in counties without department;  public hearing;  submission to commissioners

26:3A2-6.  County health department;  establishment;  report by county board  in counties without department;  public hearing;  submission to commissioners
    a.  The county board of health shall establish a county health department, under the administration of a full-time health officer, which provides public health activities meeting  "Standards of Performance."

    b.  The board of chosen freeholders of any county in this State may establish a county health department.

    c.  In any county in which a county health department has not been established pursuant to subsections a. or b. hereof, the county board of freeholders shall prepare within 90 days of the effective date of this act, a detailed report indicating the manner in which health services meeting the standards of performance and the standards promulgated pursuant to section 10 hereof shall be provided for the territorial area of the county. Such report shall include a description of the administrative organization for providing the environmental health services and such other information as may be required  by the Commissioner of Environmental Protection.  Within 30 days following the  completion of the report, the board of chosen freeholders shall conduct a  public hearing to receive public comment concerning the contents of the report.   Notice of the public hearing shall be published at least 15 days prior to that  hearing in a newspaper circulated throughout the county. Within 30 days  following the completion of the public hearing the board of chosen freeholders  shall give due consideration to the comments presented at the public hearing  and shall revise the report accordingly.  A copy of the revised report shall be submitted to the Commissioners of Environmental Protection and of Health.

     L.1975, c. 329, s. 6, eff. April 1, 1976.  Amended by L.1977, c. 443, s. 5, eff. March 2, 1978.