26:3A2-4 - County board of health;  establishment;  procedure;  counties with health agencies

26:3A2-4.  County board of health;  establishment;  procedure;  counties with health agencies
    a.  The board of chosen freeholders of any county in this State, on its own  initiative, after public hearing may, by ordinance or resolution, establish a  county board of health.  Notice of the public hearing shall be published at  least 15 days prior to that hearing in a newspaper circulated throughout the  county.

    b.  In any county in which the board of chosen freeholders has established a  county health agency there may be established a county board of health, pursuant to this act.  Said existing county health agency shall be continued as  a county health department, as provided herein.  In any county having a board  of health and vital statistics, organized pursuant to chapter 11 of Title 26 of  the Revised Statutes, that board shall be continued as a county board of health  as provided herein.

     L.1975, c. 329, s. 4, eff. April 1, 1976.  Amended by L.1977, c. 258, s. 1, eff. Oct. 12, 1977;  L.1977, c. 443, s. 4, eff. March 2, 1978.