26:3-44 - Additional appropriations in case of epidemics;  borrowing money

26:3-44.  Additional appropriations in case of epidemics;  borrowing money
    Whenever an epidemic of any contagious or infectious disease exists or is threatened, or any special need arises for the protection of the public health,  and in the judgment of the local board of health of any municipality the  expenditure of a greater sum than that already appropriated to the local board  for the current year is necessary, the local board shall so certify to the body  having control of the finances of the municipality.  Thereupon the body having  control of the finances of such municipality may appropriate such sum as the  local board may certify to be necessary.  If the funds at the disposal of the  governing body of the municipality are not sufficient for such purpose, it may  borrow the sum on the credit of the municipality.  In such event the governing  body shall place an amount equal to the sum borrowed with interest in the next  annual tax levy, and with the money so raised shall pay the debt incurred.