26:3-38 - Establishment and control;  annual expenses

26:3-38.  Establishment and control;  annual expenses
    The local board having charge of the public health in any city of the first  class, provided the body having charge of the finances in such city shall  appropriate the necessary moneys:

    a.  Shall establish, in suitable locations in the city, dispensaries for the  free distribution of medicines among the poor, and for that purpose shall procure suitable quarters where medicines and medical attendance can be given to the poor of the city;

    b.  May appoint for that purpose necessary officers or employees and fix their salaries and terms of office;  and

    c.  May provide medicines and medical attendance, and, in general, supervise  and direct the affairs of such dispensaries.

    The expense incurred under the provisions of this section shall not exceed ten thousand dollars in any one year.