26:2V-4 - Establishment of arthritis quality of life initiative
26:2V-4 Establishment of arthritis quality of life initiative.4. a. The commissioner shall establish an arthritis quality of life initiative in the department. The purpose of the initiative is to promote: public awareness about arthritis, options for prevention, the value of early diagnosis and treatment, and the delivery of programs and services aimed at prevention of complications and improvement of quality of life. The department may accept, for the purpose of establishing the initiative, any special grant of money, services or property from the federal government or any of its agencies, or from any foundation, organization or medical school, in addition to monies provided by the State.
b.The initiative shall include the following:
(1)Development of a list of providers of specialized services for arthritis, including a cautionary statement about the current status of arthritis research, prevention and treatment;
(2) Development of two regionally-based pilot arthritis centers, one in the northern and one in the southern part of the State; and
(3)Under the auspices of the Advisory Council on Arthritis established pursuant to this act, development of a fact-finding and planning process that shall address the development of:
(a)a public information and outreach campaign including appropriate educational material to promote early diagnosis and treatment of arthritis and other rheumatic diseases;
(b)a professional education program to promote quality expertise in diagnosis, treatment and care;
(c)programs and services aimed at prevention of arthritis, reducing complications and improving quality of life;
(d)an information, referral and support network to advocate on behalf of people with arthritis; and
(e)outcome-based research for improvement of care and treatment of arthritis.