26:2M-7 - Alzheimer's Disease training
26:2M-7. Alzheimer's Disease training
a. The Commissioner of the Department of Health shall establish a training program for health care providers in licensed long-term health care facilities in the specialized care of patients with Alzheimer's Disease. The training program shall include methods to deal with the specific problems encountered in the care of Alzheimer's Disease patients, including communicating with patients and necessary safety measures.
b. The training program shall be made available, on a voluntary basis, to licensed long-term health care facilities which provide treatment and care to Alzheimer's Disease patients. Upon request, the commissioner shall provide the training program at the long-term health care facility.
L. 1987, c. 440, s. 1.
26:2M-7.1 Long-term care facilities, list of services for Alzheimer's patients.
1.A long-term care facility that provides specialized care of patients with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders, as defined in section 2 of P.L.1988, c.114 (C.26:2M-10), shall:
a.compile and maintain daily records for each shift in the facility and provide to a member of the public, upon request, information that indicates for each shift, as appropriate:
(1)the number of nurses, including the aggregate total of registered professional nurses and licensed practical nurses, providing direct care to patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders; and
(2)the number of certified nurse aides providing direct care to patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders; and
b.provide a member of the public seeking placement of a person diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease or related disorders in the facility with a clear and concise written list that indicates:
(1)the activities that are specifically directed toward patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders, including, but not limited to, those designed to maintain dignity and personal identity, enhance socialization and success, and accommodate the cognitive and functional ability of a patient;
(2)the frequency of the activities listed in paragraph (1) of this subsection; and
(3)the safety policies and procedures and any security monitoring system that is specific to patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders.