26:2K-36.1 - New Jersey Emergency Medical Service Helicopter Response Program Fund established 

26:2K-36.1.  New Jersey Emergency Medical Service Helicopter Response Program Fund established 
     2. a. There is established in the General Fund a special dedicated fund to be known as the New Jersey Emergency Medical Service Helicopter Response Program Fund which shall be administered by the State Treasurer. The Treasurer shall credit to the fund all moneys received pursuant to section 1 of P.L.1992, c.87 (C.39:3-8.2).  Any interest earned on moneys in the fund shall be credited to the fund. 

    b.   From the moneys in the fund there shall be annually appropriated an amount necessary to pay the reasonable and necessary expenses of the operation of the New Jersey Emergency Medical Service Helicopter Response Program created pursuant to P.L.1986, c.106 (C.26:2K-35 et al.).  Moneys remaining in the fund, and any unexpended balance of appropriations from the fund, at the end of each fiscal year, shall be reappropriated and deposited in a special capital maintenance reserve account within the fund. Moneys in the special capital maintenance reserve account shall be used exclusively for capital replacement and major maintenance of helicopter equipment. 

    c.   Six months after the effective date of this section and every six months thereafter, the Commissioner of Health shall report to the Joint Budget Oversight Committee, or its successor, the Senate Health and Human Services Committee and the Assembly Health and Human Services Committee.  The report shall contain, but not be limited to, cost analyses concerning the response program activities including the number of flights, types of accidents, hours spent waiting at accident sites, and fuel and maintenance expenses. 
