26:2H-18.59f - Implementation of demonstration health care program for low income residents

26:2H-18.59f  Implementation of demonstration health care program for low income residents.

8.The Commissioner of Human Services, in consultation with the Commissioner of Health and Senior Services and the State Treasurer, may pursue any necessary waivers from the federal Department of Health and Human Services in order to implement, within a single region or county of the State designated by the Commissioner of Human Services in consultation with the Commissioner of Health and Senior Services and the State Treasurer, which may be limited to designated hospitals within that region, a demonstration health care program to provide low income residents of that region or county who qualify pursuant to section 10 of P.L.1992, c.160 (C.26:2H-18.60), with eligible charity care services on a managed care basis.  The program shall be implemented by the Commissioner of Health and Senior Services in consultation with the Commissioner of Human Services and the State Treasurer.

a.The demonstration program shall be administered by a program administrator under contract with the State Treasurer pursuant to this section and shall operate for a two-year period.  For the purposes of this section, program administrator may include, but not be limited to, an acute care hospital which receives charity care reimbursements or a health maintenance organization.

b. The Commissioner of Health and Senior Services, in consultation with the Commissioner of  Human Services and the State Treasurer, shall, within 30 days after approval of the federal waiver, and at appropriate intervals thereafter, solicit proposals from entities in the State interested in administering the  demonstration program.

c.The contract shall include, but not be limited to,  provisions for:

(1)providing charity care services on a managed care basis as specified by the Commissioner of Health and Senior Services, in consultation with the Commissioner of Human Services and the State Treasurer.  An administrator shall be responsible for determining the most appropriate and cost-effective means of providing the health care services required by an eligible person and for directing the person to that means for receipt of the services;

(2)the determination of eligibility criteria for health care providers who choose to participate in the demonstration program;

(3)a methodology established by the Commissioner of Health and Senior Services for reimbursement of participating hospitals and other health care providers;

(4)the development and use of a uniform method for determining eligibility of residents of the designated region or county for health care services under the demonstration program; and

(5)the submission of quarterly reports to the Department of  Health and Senior Services and the Department of the Treasury, in a form and manner required by the department, detailing expenditures of  health care funds in the demonstration program.

The contract shall also provide that provider participation in the demonstration program shall ensure the maximum receipt by the State of federal disproportionate share monies pursuant to Pub.L.89-97 (42 U.S.C.s.1396a et seq.) and Pub.L.102-234.

d.The Commissioner of Health and Senior Services shall report 12 months after the contract with the administrator or administrators is entered into by the State Treasurer and upon the conclusion of the demonstration program to the standing reference committees on health and appropriations of the Senate and General Assembly and the Governor on:

(1)expenditures related to the provision of  health care services on a managed care basis, the number of persons served, the types of services provided, the hospitals participating in the demonstration program, the number and types of other health care providers participating in the demonstration program and such other information as may be required by the Legislature;

(2)the effectiveness of the demonstration program in containing or reducing  costs for providing health care services to qualified low income residents of the designated region or county; and

(3)recommendations developed in consultation with the Commissioner of Human Services and the State Treasurer concerning additional cost containment actions that may be adopted for the provision of health care services to qualified low income persons, including, but not limited to, expansion of the demonstration program to encompass other regions or counties within the State.

e.Nothing in this section shall be construed to expand covered health care services provided under the demonstration program to include services not covered by the charity care program in effect on the effective date of P.L.1996, c.28.

f.The implementation of the demonstration  program pursuant to this section or other subsidies for charity care that affect the Medicaid State plan shall be contingent upon receipt of federal approvals that assure continuation of an acceptable level of federal Medicaid matching funds, including disproportionate share monies, as determined by the Director of the Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services in the Department of Human Services and the Director of the Division of Budget and Accounting in the Department of the Treasury.

L.1996,c.28,s.8;  amended 1998, c.37, s.2.