26:2H-12.41 - Quarterly reports by general hospital to DHSS
26:2H-12.41 Quarterly reports by general hospital to DHSS.
3.A general hospital licensed pursuant to P.L.1971, c.136 (C.26:2H-1 et al.) shall be required to report quarterly to the Department of Health and Senior Services, in a form and manner prescribed by the Commissioner of Health and Senior Services:
a.process quality indicators of hospital infection control that have been identified by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, as selected by the commissioner in consultation with the Quality Improvement Advisory Committee within the department; and
b.beginning 30 days after the adoption of regulations pursuant to this act, data on infection rates for the major site categories that define health care facility-associated infection locations, multiple infections, and device-related and non-device related infections, identified by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as selected by the commissioner in consultation with the Quality Improvement Advisory Committee within the department.
The information shall be transmitted in such a manner as to not include identifying information about patients.
L.2007, c.196, s.3.